The book entitled Studies on Women in Buddhism is based on extensive primary source materials and garnished by significant theories and observations of eminent scholars of the east and the west. It offers an analytical as well as critical window to the deeper meaning of socio-religious values and doctrinal reflections of Buddhism in the Buddhist texts highlighting the contents of the Bhikshuni Pratimoksha composed by the Upasikas and the Bhikshunis before the Christian era.
The text, needless to mention is possibly the earliest composition exclusively credited to the women folk.
The publication incorporates some thought provoking issues like position and status of women in India in the sixth century B.C. the Buddhist community Buddhist Pratimoksha Sutra-origin and Nature of the Buddhist Sangha Doctrinal and metaphysical aspects and changing scenario of the Vinaya-vastu in the Buddhist monastic order.
The book delves deep into the regional flavor and focus, generating a sense of reality blended with facts and practices—thus posing a fresh paradigm relating to contemporary society and religion.
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