The book is on Sub-regional movement that has erupted since sixties of the last century in various parts of India. Sub-regional movement is a sequence of regional movement for reorganization of state on linguistic basis. After the reorganization of most of the federal units primarily on linguistic consideration the minorities felt insecure. They faced ever increasing difficulties due to the monoligual and unicultural policy of the state government in order to preserve their cultural identity the minority groups launched vigorous movement for political autonomy. As the movement is confined to a particular area of a state it is called a sub-region. The book focuses on this type of ethnic based sub-regional movement. Two typical sub-regional movements, namely Gorkhaland movement of West Bengal and Bodoland movement of Assam have been discussed in Global and National perspective. The book is divided into five parts. They are: Ethnicity – its definition, variation and application in India. Sub-regionalism – Its meaning and significance. Bodoland movement – its origin, development and the formation of the Bodoland Territorial Council. Gorkhaland movement – its origin and stages of growth that culminated in the formation of Darjeeling Gorkha Hill Council and prescriptions. A new technique has been adopted in the book to highlight the issues those involved in the movement. Every aspect of the problem has been discussed through the method of questioning and answering. The concluding chapter is prescriptive – a guide line to the policy makers to meet the challenges pause by the sub-regional movements from time to time.
Sub-Regional Movement in India
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ABOUT THE AUTHOR Snehamoy Chaklader
Dr. Snehamoy Chaklader was born at Dacca in Bangladesh in 1935 and received his higher education in Kolkata. He obtained his Ph.D. degree from the University of Calcutta in 1974. He has published a large number of books both in English and Bengali on Sociolinguistics, language politics, caste politics minority problems etc. Most of the books are the products of research projects supported by the UGC and the ICSSR. He has published several papers in scholarly journals and edited volumes. These papers were presented indifferent seminars and conferences held in the country and abroad. In 1985 he visited the former USSR under the Indo-USSR cultural exchange programme and delivered lectures on India’s language policy and planning to the Institute of Oriental Studies, and linguistics under the Academy of Science. He was invited the Hebrew University of Jerusalem in 1992to participate in an International workshop on ethno nationalism. He retired from his service in 1994. But he is still active in social research particularly in the field of environmental sociology.
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Sub-Regional Movement in India
1st ed.
x+123p., Tables; Maps; Bibliography; Index; 3cm.
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