The present interpretation is a systematic study of Eliot’s poetry from post-realistic stand point. To analyze Eliot’s poetry from the Realistic perspective is a partial interpretation of his art and creativity. Eliot’s exploration of spiritual aridity, growing alienation, rootlessness and above all Man’s relentless rattling with multiplicity of identity is a bye-product of the post-realistic perspective – presents a more comprehensive picture of his art and perception. A post-realistic approach to Eliot’s poetry, as such, is basic modus aperandi inculcated to search for his root and anchorage. Keeping in view for pulsating beat of Pound’s poetry, it can be logically argued that Eliot’s first draft of The Waste Land was clipped, amended and reshaped in a work of art. Poetry to Ezra Pound is thus not only simple but something akin to good prose. A realistic approach to poetry, says Eliot, hardly caters to man’s predicament in the modern context.
T.S. Eliot and Post Realistic Poetry
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T.S. Eliot and Post Realistic Poetry
1st. ed.
Authorspress, 2016
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