Tackling Insurgency and Terrorism

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This book deals with the current problems of insurgency and terrorism. It covers various nuances of these problems with emphasis on the challenges thrown up while conducting counter insurgency/counter terrorist operations with particular reference to Jammu & Kashmir. The book is based on the personal experience of the author while witnessing or conducting counter insurgency operations in Afghanistan, Sri Lanka, Punjab and J&K. It recommends the strategy to be adopted while tackling insurgency and terrorism. It includes the war memoirs of the author while he was engaged in the intense phase of operations with the LTTE in Sri Lanka. This diary will be of great interest as it gives insight into a field commander’s mind and reflects on planning at higher headquarters. The book also highlights the constraints under which troops operate in an insurgency environment and recommends measures to overcome this problem. While the book has its orientation and focus mainly on the military doctrine, it will be of equal value to the bureaucrate and the political leadership.


Maj. Gen. Samay Ram was born on 02 August 1939. He had his early education at the Kind George’s School, Belgaum. He was commissioned into the Grenadiers on 17 December 1961. He held several key command, staff and instructional appointments. He was instructor at the Defence Services Staff College, Wellington and later posted as the Indian Military Attache at the Embassy of India, Kabul (Afghanistan) during the momentous period of the Soviet Intervention from May 1982 to March 1986. He successfully led an Infantry Brigade during “OP. Pawan” (Sri Lanka) and was subsequently appointed as BGS (Ops) at Headquarters Northern Command, Udhampur (J&K). He commanded an Infantry Division in the Western Sector. He held the appointment of Additional Director-General (Operational Logistics) at Army Headquarters prior to his retirement on 31 August 1995. He is highly decorated and one of the most-experienced officer in counter insurgency operations with exposure in Afghanistan, Sri Lanka, Punjab and J&K.


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Tackling Insurgency and Terrorism
1st Ed.

