As is the teacher, so is the nation. In fact, he is the top most academic and professional person in the educational pryamid. He is the pivot around which all the educational programmes rotate in so far as their implementation is concerned. He can either make or mar the nation and act as a mid-wife for the nation development. He can bring constructive, productive and quality education in the society because under whose charge the destiny of our children is being placed by the parents. The NPE (1986) and its revised version (1992) it is repeatedly said that "the status of the teacher reflects the socio-cultural ethos of society and no people can raise above the level of its teachers". Thus the more active, influential, resourceful and competent the teacher, the more effective and useful is the education. But in the present day society we are not adequately equipping our teacher to the level where he can discharge his enormous responsibilities in the society rather we have made him dull and monotonous. The greatness of a country does not depend on lofty buildings, gigantic projects and large armies. There fore, sufficient supply of the right kind of people to the teaching profession, providing them with the best possible training and ensuring to them a status will strengthen the educational system and in turn in shaping the future quality of nation. Till to-day no one has so far made any serious efforts to look into the aspect of the teacher preparation. What problems, difficulties and barriers confront us to-day in the task of improving teacher education is a matter of great concern. What do research studies say about effectiveness, personality and other aspects of our teachers must be made known to each other. What are the new trends or innovations in the field, why do we need reforms in the system, what are the man-power requirement how so we ensure accountability and quality control and what type of teacher preparation are needed in specific contents i.e. for tribal areas, special context, science education, open system and in higher education etc. are answered by the leading educationists/experts of the country in the present book.This book is the outcome of the XXIX National Seminar organized b Regional Institute of Education, Bhubaneswar on behalf of the prestigious Indian Association of Teacher Educators. The papers compiled in the book have specially been selected from these presented at the conference by dividing five major heading like reforms in teacher education, researches in teacher education, manpower planning in teacher education, Accountability and quality control in teacher education and teacher education in the specific context. Thus it is believed that the papers included in the book can throw some new light in the field of teacher education which are vital for the very survival and progress of our educational system vis-a-vis national development.
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Teacher Education
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