Teaching Science in Schools

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Inculcation of scientific attitude among pupils enables them to distinguish fact from opinion, to make rational interpretation and to arrive at logical conclusion. The fast changing scenario of science has necessitated that a science teacher must acquaint himself of all new developments and discoveries in the fields. Methods of teaching science are being continuously improved and updated which the science teacher can use to improve his teaching skills. Through research, better materials, equipments and techniques are developed for effective teaching. The present book is an attempt to bring to the fore all latest developments, methods, tools, techniques and methodologies that will enable the individual teacher to update himself and will make his teaching more significant and meaningful for his students. The book will suit to the needs of science teachers, scholars, consultants and general readers as it provides mechanism for making science teaching lucid and easy.

ABOUT THE AUTHOR Sarvottam Aggarwal

Dr. Sarvottam Aggarwal did his M.Sc. in Chemistry from Agra University and did his Ph.D. from Lucknow University. Dr. Aggarwal taught in Govt. institutions for quite a logn time and has written many books on science and Teaching of Science. Dr. Aggarwal contributes regularly to journals of repute both national and international, and has been presented with many awards and medals for his works in the feild of Science. Dr. Aggarwal lives in Delhi.


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Teaching Science in Schools
1st ed.
viv+260p., Figures; Index; 22cm.