Indian Agrarian Economy is undergoing a change which is metamorphosising the whole agrarian scenario. There has been a tremendous pressure on agriculture to meet the growing demand of foodgrains due to rapid growth in population growth on one hand and increased tempo of industrialization on the other. Among the various alternative solutions to this problem, technological approach was considered as a more possible, feasible and positive alternative. Punjab, Haryana demonstrated this approach where Green Revolution, White Revolution were successful. They used high-yield variety of seeds, fertilizers, pesticides, irrigation, mechanization, improved implements, soil conservation, institutional credit etc. in achieving the targets.Application of developed technology in the field of agriculture has improved the value of non-farm assets, non-agricultural incomes and wages, which has benefited all categories of farmers. Therefore, in this book an attempt has been made to assess and evaluate the impact of new farm technology in agricultural productivity, farm incomes and farm employment etc. in relation to different sections of the agrarian society.This book is highly useful to the students, teachers, research workers and policy makers connected with agricultural and rural development.
Gazetteer of the Bikaner State
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