Technologies for New Communication

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The idea of inter-linking and communicating with the aid of computers was as old as the mainframe computers of the 1970s. But the mainframes could be owned only by mega-establishments, individuals could not afford them for personal use. The networking of computers, it was found, allowed simultaneous access to a single mainframe by any number of users. This development suited wonder and users alike. In the decades that followed, computer technology advanced by leaps and bounds. This resulted in the invention of much smaller computer.

In our own country, computer networking is widely used by public sector organizations. On global scale, Internet is the largest computer network, which permeated almost all parts of the world. Internet can offer any immense range of information services such as electronic mail, file transfer, data bases and multi media. It also provides connectivity to mobile receivers. Computer network thus has several advantages over interpersonal communication.


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Technologies for New Communication
1st ed.
ALP Books, 2012
280p., Bibliography; Index; 23cm.