The terrorists are well indoctrinated, invisible groups having local infrastructure to carry out their hidden, undeclared destructive tasks. They attack, strike terror among people and vanish. They take the organised forces by surprise and indulge in activities like the attack of Indian Parliament on December 13, 2001, with a view to raise the sagging morale of terrorists in India after the ISI – Taliban – Al-Qaida debacle in Afghanistan at the hands of US. The Islamic fundamentalist militias like the Jaish-e-Mohammed and Lashkar-e-Toiba were used as instruments to carry out the nefarious designs. This attack was in defiance of the US stand on terrorism and Pakistan clearly conveyed to the US that it would not abide by any US instruction concerning cross-border terrorism against India. Musharraf wanted to demonstrate to terrorist organisations like Harkat-ul-Mujahideen, Jaish-e-Mohammad, Lashkar-e-Toiba that he had not sold out to the US and that there was no betrayal of the Taliban and Osama bin Laden. The Taliban might have been dislodged and Al-Qaida’s jehadis dispersed but Osama bin Laden’s Islamic Army is continuing jehad against the Jews, Americans, Britons and Indians, Al-Qaida is well entrenched in Pakistan having strong links with ISI. The US support to General Pervez Musharraf has emboldened him and he is not willing to dismantle the "Infrastructure of Terrorism" despite making promises. The ISI is a rogue organisation, unaccountable and engaged in terrorist activities across the world. India, in particular, is the victim of the evil designs of ISI and Pakistan fundamentalist organisations like the LeT, Jaish-e-Mohammed, Hizbul Mujahideen and lot many others operating from Pakistan. Inspired by encouraging response from the readers of my earlier book on the subject "The Monstrous Face of ISI", I set myself to write this piece also. I hope to prove equal to the expectations of the worthy readers.
Terrorism Inc.: The Lethal Cocktail of ISI, Taliban & Al-Qaida
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Terrorism Inc.: The Lethal Cocktail of ISI, Taliban & Al-Qaida
1st Ed.
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