The present book is basically intended for the Under Graduate student of Ayurveda studying in 3rd year B.A.M.S. Arrangement of chapter in this text book of Swasthavritta according to syllabus of Central Council Indian Medicine New Delhi. Important references for Bruhatrayis and Laghutrais and some relevant books like Upanished, Varaha Samhita have been collected. Yoga chapter includes references from Patanhali Yoga Sutra, Hathayoga Pradipika, shiva Samhita and Gheranda Samhita. Naturopathy principles, different modes of treatment like Hydrotherapy, Fasting therapy, Vishrama Chikitsa, Color therapy etc. with indications and applications are explained. Aspects of primary health care system in India, Mother and child health, National health programme, Health administration are explained briefly. Highlighted all most all the concepts of Swastavritta and Yoga in a simple language with illustration of tables, chart and images.
Charaka Samhita – Sutra Sthana, General Principles (Volume I)
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