Palaeontology is the branch of science that deals with the fossils which are the remains of the past. The entire basic evolution is based upon the fossils. The present title is written primarily for the use of students who require basic information on fossils of invertebrates, vertebrates, plants, microfossils and trace fossils. It also deals with the necessary background concerning distribution and habitats of modern organisms, the process of fossilization the stratigraphic column and geological time scale. It begins by telling what fossils are, how to find and care them, and the proper techniques for protecting specimens while hunting and digging. An introduction to palaeontology achieves an approach simple enough for beginning students, yet with sufficient depth and breadth of coverage for those wishing to decline further into the early history of life. The present title claims to be a complete thorough and authentic exposition of the topics dealt with. Emphasis has been laid on introducing basic as well as modern concepts.
Environmental Studies
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