The A-to-Z of Jainism is a unique quick-reference book about a religion with an unbroken history of more than 2,500 years, and one which has influenced India’s culture throughout this period. At the core of Jainism’s teaching is non-violence (ahimsa), which Mahatma Gandhi brought to world consciousness by adopting it as the guiding principle in the campaign he led for India’s freedom. In Jainism, non-violence extends equally to man’s relationship with all natural life, a sensitivity being articulated anew in contemporary times by a concern for the environment and animal rights, etc. This book covers all important touchstones of Jainism in more than 450 crisp, alphabetical entries spanning: The basic teachings of Jainism, The life of Mahavira, the founder of the religion, The main sectarian traditions of Jainism, and mendicant and lay practices, Important Jain scriptures, Influential Jain leaders and scholars, Sacred and historic Jain sites, Jain prayers and pilgrimages, beliefs, rituals and ceremonies. A detailed introduction provides a holistic overview of Jainism; and a chronology highlights important Jain milestones. An extensive, subject-wise bibliography guides interested readers to in-depth resources on various topics.
Mind-Matter and Meditation
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