Bharata in his famous aphorism ‘Vibhavanubhava-vyabhicarisamyogad rasanispattih’ explains the way in which the Aesthetic experience originates and the Commentary thereupon by Abhinavagupta constitutes the most important text in the whole of Indian aesthetic thought. This important portion of the Commentary has very ably been edited, translated, commented upon and elucidated by Dr. Raniero Gnoli of Rome. The learned introduction contains all possible informations regarding various Indian and Western theories on aesthetic experience and in the copious notes the readers will find authentic materials quoted from numerous allied texts in justification of the interpretation of the difficult passages.
Yajurveda Taittiriya-Samhita: Yajur Veda Taittiriya Samhita (In 4 Volumes)
Dr. R. L. Kashyap presents ...
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