The Amazing Miracles : A Teasury of Stories

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A priest is asked by some villagers to give his blessings to a dying woman. He does. The woman revives miraculously. A few days later the blessings of the priest revive two other people an old man and a cripple. What caused these miracles? Only in the last paragraphs of ‘The Amazing Miracles’ would one get the answer. In 1657, an unusual incident occurred. A young man met a ravishingly beautiful woman at midnight near the imperial fort, ‘Lal Kila’, at Delhi. This was when a violent war of succession was raging between Dara Shukoh and Aurangzeb, the two potential successors of emperor Shahjehan. The meeting led to a startling chain of events. Read these chilling events in "The woman with the black collar’. But this is not all. ‘A fathers immortal gift’ and ‘The surgeon who healed the dead’ are stories of nostalgia and love. ‘The day Rahul spoke’, is the touching tale of how a retarded child could reach his grandmother. ‘Time doesn’t wait’ and ‘His last words’ and ‘May the Kohassa bring you joy’ would blur the eyes of all. These are remarkable stories. They abound with wonderful descriptions, extraordinary events, pathos, love humour and mystery. They make compulsive reading.


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The Amazing Miracles : A Teasury of Stories
1st. Ed.
118p., 23cm