The Anglo-Indians of Calcutta: A Community of Communities

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The general notion about the Anglo-Indians is that of a misunderstood community. Over the years they have acquired the image of a ‘fun-loving’ community. But their unobtrusive contribution in the building of modern India has remained unnoticed to the general mass. The book attempts to explore the significant contributions of the community in various facets of life and at the same time throws light on their past, present and future. This slender volume is the outcome of systematic research supported with empirical data collected in the recent past. It will prove worthy of libraries, ethnographers and others to know more about the present day marginalised community of the Anglo-Indians. The members of the Anglo-Indian community will also find the book a valuable resource.

ABOUT THE AUTHOR Anshu Prokash Nandan

Anshu Prokash Nandan is one of the senior scientific staff members in the Anthropological Survey of India. He is mostly associated with tribal studies having travelled extensively and carried on intensive field investigation in the tribal pockets of Bastar in Madhya Pradesh, Koraput in Orissa and Ranchi in Bihar. His valuable studies have come out in various reputed scientific journals and edited books.


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The Anglo-Indians of Calcutta: A Community of Communities
1st ed.
x+62p., Tables; Plates