The present volume is one of the most authetic and oldest books of Grammar of the lesser known languages of North-eastern India. By a tradition, The Naga tribe known as the Ao have from very early times had two dialects, the Zungi and Mungsen. However, Zungi has evidently been the dominant element in the Ao tribe and this dialect become more prevalent than the Mungsen. Besides providing a detailed study of dialects, alphabet, articles, nouns, prononuns, adjectives, verbs, adverbs, conjuctions, interjections, syntax, numerals, division of time and measurements, over forty pages are devoted to illustrative phrases. About hundred pages are devoted to English Ao vocabulary. This is a useful volume for scholars and students of tribal languages of India.
The Ao Naga Grammar
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Mrs.Mary M. Clark alongwith her husband were sailed from Boston on Oct.20th 1868 in the Bark Pearel via cape of Good Hope under the Missionary Union as Missionaries and Printers and arrived at Sibsagar in March 1869. During their stay at Sibsagar for the first time they had the opportunity of meeting some of the Nagas roaming around in search of food; thus, they wrote to Home Board in boston in 1871. "Tribe upon tribe of Nagas accessible to the gospel. It is certainly painful for us at Sibsagar to unable to lift our eyes without seeing these hills and thinking of the people on them who have no knowledge of Christ." They sent Godhula, the Evangelist to Dekahaimong and came down after few months stay with nine people and baptized at Sibsagar by Rev. E.W. Clark on 11th Nov. 1872. The following month in Dec., Rev E.W. Clark make a trip to Nagaland, his entering into the Nagaland was not permitted by British Government, and the home Board in America was much refuctant to approve his plan but he entered in his own risk. After a few days stay, he baptized fifteen people at Dekahaimong (Molungvimchen) on 22nd. Dec. 1872 and organized the first Baptist Church in Nagaland on that day. They served in Ao field and the whole Naga tribes in general as soul winners, mediators, Christian Administrators, Translators, Writers, Organizers and Printers for about forty years. Dr. Edward Winter Clark retired from the active in 1911 and died at St. Augustine, florida on 18th March1913 at the age of 8.3 years. Mrs. Marry J. Mead Clark died on 23rd Nov. 1924 at America N.Y. at the age of 92 years.
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The Ao Naga Grammar
viii+181p., Tables; 23cm.
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