The book is an attempt to sketch the evolution of Indian society from the Vedic Gotra to the Puranic Hinduism. The entire work studies the origin of the Aryan problem afresh, basing on the palaeo-biological evidence and the archaeological evidence. Almost half of the work is devoted to the Aryan problem and the elements of Aryan society. Subsequently, the book deals with the materialism proposed by the Lokayatas more popularly known as Carvakas. The revolution continued by the Jainism and Buddhism and the counter revolution through the Itihasas, Puranas, Darsanas—the three major phases of Vedicisation, Devedicisation Revedicisation, resulting in the formation of the puranic Hindu society, which is the stylobate of the present Indian union, are paid equal attention. Historiographically more importance is given to the original sources, while making the study. Though the chapters rule of money, Mahajanapadas and ushering of empire appear to be somewhat like general history, the interpretation rallied around the target of reaching the Puranic Hindu society. The role of the foreigners in this process is discussed in the most acceptable way. Anyhow their political history does not come under the purview of this book. This is more a socio-cultural history.
Divine Command and Pork
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