The Aryas: Facts Without Fancy and Fiction

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This short monograph is just not yet another book on the controversial clan of the Aryan. It has the distinction of being an unbiased, factual statement, which has been lacking, despite the fact that it has been one of the favourite topics of the Vedic scholars and the Indo-Europeanists. It is written with a clearcut objective of knowing the facts about the Aryas, her comments try to guide the reader as how to understand them. This book thus has a limited aim. Bare facts are documented and not stretched to suit the exigencies of a theory. The author has no theory to propound. But at the same time no external framework is accepted. The romantic dreams woven by the earlier generations of scholars are not found in the Rgveda, the main source of information. And therefore it is possible to see to what extent it was just the play of fancy. With these facts, the author reconstructs the historical events, with supporting archaeological evidence.


Malati J. Shendge, editor of the commentary, is a well-known Indologist, and has worked for more than two decades on Vajrayana as practiced in India, Tibet and Japan. She has published several articles on different aspects of Esoteric Buddhism, and has presented a penetrating analysis of Esoteric Buddhism and its thought world with social anthropological methods. In order to be able to have easy access to original sources and to carry on research on this most complex system of religious thought and experience, besides modern European languages, she has mastered several other languages – Sanskrit, Pali, Tibetan, Buddhist Chinese and Japanese.


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The Aryas: Facts Without Fancy and Fiction
1st ed.
xviii+131p., Illustrations; Notes; References; Index; 22cm.