The Baudhayana Srautasutra forms the initial and prominent part of the Baudhayana corpus. This corpus comprises the Srauta, Prayascitta, Sulba, Grhya, Pitrmedha, Pravara and Dharma Sutras. Tradition ascribes all these sutras to Baudhayana. It holds a prominent position among the Kalpasutras for various reasons. It is extensive and dilates upon the sacrificial religion in a comprehensive manner. It belongs to the Krsna Yajurveda Taittiriya-the oral lectures delivered by the teacher Baudhayana; hence is the oldest Srauta-text. Full understanding of this text is essential for the scientific knowledge of the Vedic religion and culture. No complete translation of this significant text has been attempted so far in any language. A complete English translation of the Baudhayana Srautasutra was therefore a serious desideratum. The Baudhayana Srautasutra together with an English translation is presented here in four volumes. The text is revised here in the light of the variant readings recorded by W. Caland in his first edition (Calcutta 1906) and is presented in a readable form. The mantras forming part of the sutras have been fully rendered into English. The translation is supplemented with notes giving reference to the mantras and explanations of the ritual. The work is expected to serve as an advancement of Taittiriya ritualistic studies.

The Baudhayana Srautasutra: (In 4 Volumes)
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The Baudhayana Srautasutra: (In 4 Volumes)
1st ed.
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