The Bhadramayakaravyakarana is part of the great collection entitled Ratnakuta, "Multitude of Jewels", a collection much revered in the Buddhist Mahayana traditions of Tibet and China The work possesses rather a literary value than a doctrinal one. It is one of the text, so rare in Mahayana, where the narrative and the doctrinal subjects constitute a logical whole. It contains the story of juggler Bhadra who wanted to deceive the Buddha with magical tricks in order to prove that the claim of the Tathagata to omniscience was false. But the Buddha foiled his attempt by performing such a magic that Bhadra could not revoke his charms, and was finally converted. This is a reprint of the 1938 Warsaw edition of the work containing an Introduction, Tibetan text, Translation and Notes published by Konstantly Regamey, which was almost wholly destroyed during the Second World War. It should be noted that the work has not been preserved in the original Sanskrit.
The Bhadramayakara-Vyakarana
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The Bhadramayakara-Vyakarana
1st ed.
vi+138p., Tables; Notes; Index.
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