The Body Ballad

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Dinesh Dwivedi though outerly appears two-storeyed name yet his personality is multi-storeyed. Here there is no gap between life and literature. The life he led is of a brave hero of a hearsay. He is the successful editor of “Punashcha” on one side and on the other a great scholar of Literature. He possesses the supreme Indian tradition. Whether it is Indian poetry or Bharat Muni’s contribution, whether it is Indian religion and culture or the vast world of epics, whether it is art context or different coloured cultural treasure he enjoys everywhere. All the characteristics of a complete Literary person are present in him. But he realizes it is more important to encourage the new writers than to be engaged in creation of Literature himself. There is no any devoted son to his parents like him in this world. He is the worshipper of Laliteshwari not in the traditional sense. He is a believer of the usefulness of knowledge for social significance but has no belief in pilling up the books writing them continuously. He absorbs himself in anything. Sometimes he himself becomes the part of it. He has no relation with marketing tendency of utility. He is carefree natured modern Kabir. He is such a mixture of love and detachment that he has the capacity of making anybody wonderstruck and sad. Bhartruhari and Vivekanand, Vatsyayan and Vyas, Amritlal Nagar and Renu, Takshi and Bhyrappa, Amrita Pritam and Anantmurti, Laladyad and Meera, Havva Khatun and Kamladas, Vimal Mitro and Veerendra Kumar Bhattacharya are resting together in him. To understand his poems, a matured critic’s vision is very necessary. Otherwise you will be engaged in uttering ‘Aah’ or ‘vaah’ that means engulfed by sorrow or praise. He belongs to Itarsi and he will remain for it. It is a whole world for him. In this very locality as if of he is able to live in the whole earth. Under a shining and emotional cover, he is a recluse meditator near whom the world comes itself. He is unique. I don’t find any other person like him.


The Author Dinesh Dwivedi was born on 18 August 1951. He completed his education at Sagar University and got M.A. Degree in Hindi Literature. He is the Editor of the Hindi Magazine “Punashcha” since last twenty years. He has to his credit a renowned critical book “Charchit Mahila Kathakaron ki Kahaniyan”. He is a regular writer of articles in Hindi on different subjects in national newspapers and magazines.


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The Body Ballad
1st ed.
xii+120p., Illustrations; 23 cm.