The present work is a critical study of Buddhism and its doctrines, originally published in French as Le Bouddha et sa religion in 1866. It gives an outline of the history of Buddhism, the birth of Buddha, his renunciation, his teachings and his death. The Buddhist doctrines as put forth by the canons are carefully expounded in relation to western religion and philosophy, and judged according to their merits and defects.
It also narrates the spread of Buddhism beyond its place of origin to Nepal, Tibet, Mangolia, China and Ceylon.
Particular emphasis is given to the state of Buddhism as it existed twelve hundred years after the death of Buddha, as is set forth in the Travels and memoirs of Xuanzang.
A separate chapter is devoted to Buddhism in Ceylon. Contribution of scholars, like B.H. Hodgson, Alexander Csoma, George Turnour, Eugene Burnouf and Spence Hardy who were pioneers in the study of Buddhism and are responsible for all that we know of Buddhism today is also discussed.
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