Vol. I and Vol. II. Wisdom of the East: Introduction/Nicholas Murray Butler. 1. Literature and Civilization/A.H. Thorndike. 2. Oriental literature/Louis H. Gray. 3. Egyptian literature/Francis Llewellyn Griffith and Kate Bradbury Griffith. 4. The literature of Babylonia and Assyria/Emil G.H. Kraeling. 5. The old testament and the Jewish Apocrypha/Crawford H. Toy. 6. Josephus, 37-100 A.D. 7. The Talmud/Max Margolis. 8. Medieval Hebrew literature/Joshua Bloch. 9. Modern Hebrew Literature/Joshua Bloch.10. Arabic literature/Richard Gottheil. 11. Iranian literature/Louis H. Gray. 12. Armenian Literature/Louis H. Gray. 13. Indian literature/E.W. Hopkins. 14. Chinese literature/Lewis Hodous. 15. Japanese literature/Clay MacCauley. Vol. III and Vol. IV. Glory that was Greece: 1. The Glory that was Greece/Carroll N. Brown. 2. Homer, c. 840 B.C. 3. Hesiod, c. 725 B.C. 4. Aesop, c. 550 B.C. 5. The cyclic poets and the Homeric Hymns. 6. Tyrtaeus, archilochus, and their successors in the development of the Greek lyric inclusive of Bacchylides. 7. Sappho, 612-? B.C. 8. Alcaeus, c. 610-550 B.C. 9. Theognis, c. 550-500 B.C. 10. Anacreon, c. 562-477 B.C. 11. Solon, c. 639-559 B.C. 12. Pindar, c. 518-442 B.C. 13. Aeschylus, 525-456 B.C. 14. Sophocles, 496-406 B.C. 15. Euripides, 480-406 B.C. 16. Aristophanes, c. 450-385 B.C. 17. Herodotus, c. 484-425 B.C. 18. Thucydides, c. 455-400 B.C. 19. Xenophon, c. 434-355 B.C. 20. Heraclitus, c. 535-475 B.C. 21. Parmenides, c. 520-450 B.C. 22. Empedocles, fl. 450 B.C. 23. Plato, 427-347 B.C. 24. Aristotle, 384-322 B.C. 25. Philemon, Menander, and the lost attic comedy. 26. Aeschines, 389-314 B.C. 27. Demosthenes, 384-322 B.C. 28. Cleanthes, 331-232 B.C. 29. Callimachus, fl. 260 B.C. 30. Theocritus, fl. 275 B.C. 31. Bion, fl. 275 B.C. 32. Moschus, fl. 250 B.C. 33. Polybius, 204-122 B.C. 34. The new testament. 35. Epictetus, fl. 100 A.D. 36. Plutarch, 46-120 A.D. 37. Pausanias, fl. 150 A.D. 38. Alciphron, fl. 150 A.D. 39. Lucian of Samosata, 120-180 A.D. 40. Diogenes Laertius, fl. 235 A.D. 41. Athenaeus, c. 200 A.D. 42. St. John Chrysostom, 345-407 A.D. 43. Heliodorus, c. 330 A.D. 44. Longus, fl. 350 A.D. 45. The Greek anthology. Vol. V. The Power of Rome: 1. The Grandeur that was Rome. 2. Cato the Censor, 234 (?)-150 B.C. 3. Ennius, 239-c. 170 B.C. 4. Titus Maccius Plautus, 254 (?)-184 (?) B.C. 5. Terence, 185 (?)-159 (?) B.C. 6. Marcus Tullius Cicero, 106-43 B.C. 7. Caius Julius Caesar, 100-44 B.C. 8. Titus Lucretius carus, 99-55 B.C. 9. Sallust (Gaius sallustius crispus). 86-35 B.C. 10. Catullus, 84-54 B.C. 11. Vergil, 70-19 B.C. 12. Horace (Quintus horatius flaccus), 65-8 B.C. 13. Livy (Titus Livius), 59 B.C.-17 A.D. 14. Albius Tibullus, 54-19 B.C. 15. Sextus propertius, c. 51-15 B.C. 16. Ovid (Publius Ovidius Naso), 43 B.C.-17 A.D. 17. Seneca, 4 B.C.-65 A.D. 18. Pliny the elder (Caius Plinius Secundus), 23-79 A.D. 19. Persius (Aulus Persius Flaccus), 34-62 A.D. 20. Quintilian, 35-95 A.D. 21. Statius, 45-96 A.D. 22. Petronius arbiter, First century A.D. (?). 23. Martial (Marcus valerius Martialis), c. 39-c. 102 A.D. 24. Tacitus, c. 55-120 A.D. 25. Juvenal, c. 60-140 A.D. 26. Pliny the younger (caius plinius caecilius secundus), c. 62-c. 113 A.D. 27. Suetonius, fl. 100 A.D. 28. Lucius apuleius, c. 125-c. 200 A.D. 29. Aulus gellius, c. 130-C. 180 A.D. 30. Aelianus claudius, fl. 120 A.D. 31. Marcus aurelius antoninus, 121-180 A.D. 32. St. Augustine of Hippo, 354-430 A.D. 33. Roman poets of the later empire/Harriet Waters Preston. 34. Boethius, c. 475-525 A.D. Vol. VI and Vol. VII. Medieval Song and Story: Introduction/Harry Morgan Ayres. 1. The Ballad/F.B. Gummere. 2. The legends of Arthur and the round table/Roger Sherman Loomis. 3. Latin Hymns/Frank A. Patterson. 4. Folk-song/F.B. Gummere. 5. Goliardic poetry/Frank A. Patterson. 6. The medieval drama/Karl Young. 7. Medieval Irish literature/Robert D. Scott and John. 8. Welsh literature/Roger Sherman Loomis. 9. Other celtic literatures/Louis H. Gray. 10. Old Norse literature. 11. Anglo-Saxon literature/Robert Sharp. 12. Medieval French literature/Henri F. Muller. 13. Provencal literature/Arthur Livingston. 14. Medieval German literature/Arthur F.J. Remy. 15. Middle Dutch Literature/A.J. Barnouw. 16. The scholar and his public. 17. Travelers’ tales. 18. Middle English poetry. Vol. VIII and Vol. IX. Voice of Italy: 1. The voice of Italy/Jefferson B. Fletcher. 2. Italy in the middle ages/Charles Eliot Norton. 3. St. Francis of Assisi, c. 1182-1226. 4. St. Bonaventura, 1221-1274. 5. St. Thomas Aquinas, 1226-1274. 6. Dante, 1265-1321. 7. Petrarch, 1304-1374. 8. Boccaccio, 1313-1375. 9. The renaissance/Jefferson B. Fletcher. 10. Lorenzo De’ Medici, 1449 (?) 1492. 11. Poliziano, 1454-1494. 12. Pulci, 1432-1484 (?). 13. Machiavelli, 1469-1527. 12. Castiglione, 1478-1529. 13. Ariosto, 1474-1533. 14. Michelangelo, 1475-1564. 15. Benvenuto Cellini, 1500-1571. 16. Tasso, 1544-1595. 17. Vasari, 1512-1574. 18. Giordano Bruno, 1548-1600. 19. Modern Italian literature/Arthur Livingston. 20. Goldoni, 1707-1793. 21. Alfieri, 1749-1803. 22. Casanova, 1725-1798. 23. UGO Foscolo, 1778-1827. 24. Alessandro Manzoni, 1785-1873. 25. Massimo D’azeglio, 1798-1866. 26. Silvio Pellico, 1789-1854. 27. Giacomo Leopardi, 1798-1837. 28. Giuseppe Giusti, 1809-1850. 29. Giuseppe Mazzini, 1805-1872. 30. Pasquale Villari, 1827-1917. 31. Giosue Carducci, 1836-1907. 32. Giovanni Verga, 1840-1922. 33. Antonio Fogazzaro, 1842-1911. 34. Edmondo De Amicis, 1846-1908. 35. Giovanni Pascoli, 1855-1912. 36. Matilde Serao, 1856. 37. Gabriele D’Annunzio, 1863. 38. Benedetto Croce, 1866. 39. Guglielmo Ferrero, 1872. 40. Luigi Pirandello, 1867. 41. Benito Mussolini, 1883. Vol. X and Vol. XI. Old France and the Revolution: 1. Introduction/Albert Feuillerat. 2. The revival of learning. 3. Froissart, 1337-1410 (?). 4. Francois Villon, 1431-1465 (?). 5. Francois Rabelais, 1495 (?) – 1553. 6. John Calvin, 1509-1564. 7. Pierre Ronsard, 1524 – 1585. 8. The Abbe De Brantome (Pierre De Bourdeille), 1534 (?) – 1614. 9. Michel Eyquem De Montaigne, 1533-1592. 10. The classical tradition. 11. Rene Descartes, 1596-1650. 12. Pierre Corneille, 1606-1684. 13. La Rochefoucauld, 1613-1680. 14. Jean De La Fontaine, 1621-1695. 15. Moliere, 1622-1673. 16. Pascal, 1623-1662. 17. Madame De Sevigne, 1626-1696. 18. Jacques Benigne Bossuet, 1627-1704. 19. Nicolas Boileau-Despreaux, 1636-1711. 20. Jean Racine, 1639-1699. 21. Jean De La Bruyere, 1645-1696. 22. Fenelon, 1651-1715. 23. The Decline of Classicism. 24. Alain Rene Le sage, 1668-1747. 25. The Duke of Saint-Simon (Louis De Rouvroy), 1675-1755. 26. Montesquieu, 1689-1755. 27. Voltaire, 1694-1778. 28. George Louis Le Clerc Buffon, 1707-1788. 29. Jean-Jacques Rousseau, 1712-1778. 30. Diderot, 1713-1784, and the encyclopedia. 31. Jean Le Rond D’Alembert, 1717-1783. 32. Beaumarchais, 1732-1799. 33. Mirabeau, 1749-1791. 34. Joseph Joubert, 1754-1824. 35. Andre Chenier, 1762-1794. 36. Madame De Stael, 1766-1817. 37. Francois Rene Auguste Chateaubriand, 1768-1848. 38. Cuvier, 1769-1832. 39. The rise of romanticism. 40. Lamartine, 1790-1869. 41. Alfred De Vigny, 1797-1863. 42. Musset, 1810-1857. 43. Victor Hugo, 1802-1885. 44. Minor poets and dramatists. 45. Marie-Henri Beyle (Stendhal), 1783-1842. 46. Honore De Balzac, 1799-1850. 47. Alexandre Dumas, Senior, 1803-1870. 48. Prosper Merimee, 1803-1870. 49. Charles Augustin Sainte-Beuve, 1804-1869. 50. Historians and publicists. 51. Theophile Gautier, 1811-1872. Vol. XII and Vol. XIII. Romance and Realism in Modern France: 1. French literature from 1848 to the present day–a general view/Louis Cazamian. 2. The growth of realism. 3. Charles Baudelaire, 1821-1867. 4. George sand, 1804-1876. 5. Gustave Flaubert, 1821-1880. 6. The brothers De Goncourt: Edmond, 1822-1896, and Jules, 1830-1870. 7. Edmond Scherer, 1815-1889. 8. Ernest Renan, 1823-1892. 9. Hippolyte Adolphe Taine, 1828-1893. 10. Emile Augier, 1820-1889. 11. Alexandre Dumas, Junior, 1824-1895. 12. Victorien Sardou, 1831-1908. 13. Jean-Henri Fabre, 1823-1915. 14. Frederic Mistral, 1830-1914. 15. Alphonse Daudet, 1840-1897. 16. The third French Republic. 17. Paul Deroulede, 1846-1914. 18. Charles Marie Rene Leconte De Lisle, 1818-1894. 19. Jose-Maria De Heredia, 1842-1905. 20. Francois Coppee, 1842-1908. 21. Sully-Prudhomme, 1839-1907. 22. Paul Verlaine, 1844-1896. 23. Minor poets of the late nineteenth century. 24. Emile Zola, 1840-1902. 25. Guy De Maupassant, 1850-1893. 26. Joris Karl Huysmans, 1848-1907. 27. Anatole France, 1844-1924. 28. Pierre Loti, 1850-1923. 29. Paul Bourget, 1852. 30. Eugene-Melchior De Vogue, 1848-1910. 31. Ferdinand Brunetiere, 1849-1906. 32. Jules Lemaitre, 1853-1914. 33. Emile Faguet, 1847-1916. 34. Remy De Gourmont, 1858-1915. 35. Maurice Barres, 1862-1923. 36. Henri Louis Bergson, 1859. 37. Eugene Brieux, 1858. 38. Edmond Rostand, 1868-1918. 39. The drama of today/A. Smillie Noad. 40. Stephane Mallarme, 1842-1898. 41. Henry De Regnier, 1864. 42. Pierre Mille, 1865. 43. Romain Rolland, 1866. 44. Andre Gide, 1869. 45. Marcel Proust, 1871-1922. 46. Paul Valery, 1871. Vol. XIV and Vol. XV. The Great Literature of Small Nations: 1. Spanish literature/A. Smillie Noad. 2. The CID, c.1040-1099. 3. Alfonso the wise, 1226-1284. 4. The Spanish romances/Halfdan Gregersen. 5. Spain’s European greatness and decline/A. Smillie Noad. 6. Bartolomeo De Las Casas, 1474-1566. 7. Bernal Diaz, 1492-after 1580. 8. The Picaresque Novel/A. Smillie Noad. 9. The Spanish mystics/A. Smillie Noad. 10. Cervantes, 1547-1616. 11. Lope De Vega, 1562-1635. 12. Tirso De Molina, 1571-1648. 13. Pedro Calderon, 1600-1681. 14. Gracian, 1601-1658. 15. Spain and France/A. Smillie Noad. 16. Spanish Romanticism/A. Smillie Noad. 17. Juan Valera, 1827-1905. 18. Jose Echegaray Y Eizaguirre, 1833-1916. 19. Jose Maria De Pereda, 1834-1906. 20. Benito Perez Galdos, 1845-1920. 21. Emilia Pardo-Bazan, 1851-1921. 22. Armando Palacio Valdes, 1853. 23. Marcelino Menendez Y Pelayo, 1856-1912. 24. Unamuno, 1864. 25. Jacinto Benavente, 1866. 26. Blasco Ibanez, 1867-1928. 27. Portuguese literature. 28. Gil Vicente, 1470?-1557?. 29. Camoens, 1524?-1580. 30. Latin-American Literature. 31. Dutch literature. 32. Erasmus, c.1466-1536. 33. Joost Van Den Vondel, 1587-1679. 34. Pieter Corneliszoon Hooft, 1581-1647. 35. Jacob Cats, 1577-1660. 36. Gerbrand Adriaenszoon Bredero, 1585-1618. 37. Constantijn Huygens, 1596-1687. 38. Benedict Spinoza, 1632-1677. 39. Willem Bilderdijk, 1756-1831. 40. Hildebrand, 1814-1903. 41. Multatuli, 1820-1887. 42. Modern Dutch literature since 1880/A.J. Barnouw. 43. Belgian literature. 44. Guido Gezelle, 1830-1899. 45. Emile Verhaeren, 1855-1916. 46. Georges Eekhoud, 1854-1926. 47. Maurice Maeterlinck, 1864. 48. Canadian literature/Ray Palmer Baker. 49. Modern Irish literature. 50. William Butler Yeats, 1865. 51. John Millington Synge, 1871-1909. 52. Modern Irish Literature in Gaelic/Lindsay Crawford. 53. Swiss literature/Ernest A. Kubler. 54. Hungarian literature. 55. Josef Eotvos, 1813-1871. 56. Alexander Petofi, 1823-1849. 57. Maurice Jokai, 1825-1904. 58. Finnish literature. 59. Yiddish literature/Herman Lieberman. 60. Roumanian literature. 61. Modern Greek literature/Carroll N. Brown and Sotiris Skipis. Vol. XVI and Vol. XVII. The German Mind: 1. Introduction/Robert Herndon Fife. 2. Between dusk and dawn/Bayard Quincy Morgan. 3. Luther. 4. Hans Sachs. 5. A New Dawn/Bayard Quincy Morgan. 6. Friedrich Gottlieb Klopstock. 7. Immanuel Kant. 8. Gotthold Ephraim Lessing. 9. Johann Gottfried Von Herder. 10. Christoph Martin Wieland. 11. Gottfried August Burger. 12. Goethe. 13. Johann Christoph Friedrich Schiller. 14. Sunshine and shadow/Bayard Quincy Morgan. 15. Johann Gottlieb Fichte. 16. Jean Paul Richter. 17. Novalis. 18. The romantic school in Germany/Bayard Quincy Morgan. 19. Friedrich and August Wilhelm Von Schlegel. 20. Johann Ludwig Tieck. 21. Heinrich Von Kleist. 22. Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel. 23. The Grimm Brothers: Jakob and Wilhelm. 24. Arthur Schopenhauer. 25. Joseph Von Eichendorff. 26. Franz Grillparzer. 27. Heinrich Heine. 28. Christian Friedrich Hebbel. 29. Otto Ludwig. 30. Richard Wagner. 31. Gustav Freytag. 32. Gottfried Keller. 33. Theodor Storm. 34. Lyric voices of the Nineteenth century. 35. German historians. 36. Power, prosperity, and Pride/Bayard Quincy Morgan. 37. Theodor Fontane. 38. Konrad Ferdinand Meyer. 39. Paul Heyse. 40. Ernst Haeckel. 41. Ludwig Anzengruber. 42. Friedrich Nietzsche. 43. Hermann Sudermann. 44. Gerhart Hauptmann. 45. Arthur Schnitzler. 46. Richard Dehmel. 47. Gustav Frenssen. 48. Hugo Von Hofmannsthal. 49. Thomas Mann. Vol. XVIII and Vol. XIX. Scandinavian and Slavonic Literature: 1. Scandinavian literature/Louis S. Friedland. 2. Danish literature/Anders Orbeck. 3. Ludwig Holberg. 4. Johannes Ewald. 5. Adam Gottlob Oehlenschalager. 6. Henrik Hertz. 7. Hans Christian Andersen. 8. Georg Brandes. 9. Swedish literature/Anders Orbeck. 10. Emanuel Swedenborg. 11. Linnaeus. 12. August Strindberg. 13. Selma Lagerlof. 14. Norwegian literature/Anders Orbeck. 15. Henrik Ibsen. 16. Bjornstjerne Bjornson. 17. Jonas Lie. 18. Fridtjof Nansen. 19. Knut Hamsun. 20. Johan Bojer. 21. Russian literature/Clarence A. Manning. 22. Russian poetry/Clarence A. Manning. 23. Alexander Sergyeyevich Pushkin. 24. Nikolay Vasilyevich Gogol. 25. Ivan Sergyeyevich Turgenev. 26. Ivan Aleksandrovich Goncharov. 27. Lyev Nikolayevich Tolstoy. 28. Feodor Mikhailovich Dostoyevsky. 29. Anton Pavlovich Chekhov. 30. Maxim Gorky (Aleksyey Maksimovich Pyeshkov). 31. Leonid Nikolayevich Andreyev. 32. The Ukraine/Clarence A. Manning. 33. Taras Shevchenko. 34. Polish literature/Clarence A. Manning. 35. Copernicus. 36. Adam Mickiewicz. 37. Juljusz Slowacki. 38. Zygmunt Krasinski. 39. Henryk Sienkiewicz. 40. Wladyslaw Stanislaw Reymont. 41. Czechoslovak literature/Clarence A. Manning. 42. Jan Hus. 43. Jan Amos Komensky (Comenius). 44. Karel Capek. 45. Czechoslovak Poetry. 46. Lusatian literature. 47. Bulgaria/Clarence A. Manning. 48. Ivan Vazov. 49. Yugoslavia/Clarence A. Manning. Vol. XX and Vol. XXI. Shakespeare to Dryden: 1. From Shakespeare to Dryden/John W. Cunliffe and G.R. Lomer. 2. Roger Ascham. 3. Richard Hakluyt. 4. Sir Walter Raleigh. 5. Sir Philip Sidney. 6. Edmund Spenser. 7. Thomas Deloney. 8. Francis Bacon. 9. Robert Burton. 10. John Selden. 11. Elizabethan and Jacobean lyrics. 12. The Elizabethan theater/John W. Cunliffe. 13. John Heywood. 14. John Lyly. 15. George Peele. 16. Robert Greene. 17. Christopher Marlowe. 18. Shakespeare. 19. George Champman. 20. Thomas Dekker. 21. Ben Jonson. 22. John Webster. 23. Thomas Heywood. 24. Beaumont. 25. Philip Massinger. 26. John Ford. 27. The age of Milton/John W. Cunliffe. 28. John Milton. 29. Other poets of the Commonwealth and the restoration. 30. Thomas Hobbes. 31. Izaak Walton. 32. Sir Thomas Browne. 33. Thomas Fuller. 34. Jeremy Taylor. 35. John Evelyn. 36. Samuel Pepys. 37. John Bunyan. 38. John Dryden. 39. John Locke. 40. Sir Isaac Newton. 41. William Congreve. Vol. XXII and Vol. XXIII. Pope to Burns: 1. Introduction/John W. Cunliffe and G.R. Lomer. 1. Daniel Defoe. 2. Matthew Prior. 3. George Berkeley. 4. Jonathan Swift. 5. Sir Richard Steele. 6. Joseph Addison. 7. Henry St. John, Viscount Bolingbroke. 8. John Gay. 9. Alexander Pope. 10. Henry Fielding. 11. Minor Georgian poets. 12. Samuel Richardson. 13. Laurence Sterne. 14. Tobias George Smollett. 15. Lady Mary Wortley Montagu. 16. Lord Chesterfield. 17. Samuel Johnson. 18. James Boswell. 19. David Hume. 20. James Thomson. 21. William Shenstone. 22. William Collins. 23. Thomas Gray. 24. Horace Walpole. 25. James Macpherson’s "Ossian". 26. Thomas Chatterton. 27. Adam Smith. 28. Arthur Young. 29. William Cowper. 30. Edmund Burke. 31. Edward Gibbon. 32. Frances Burney (Madame D’Arblay). 33. Richard Brinsley Sheridan. 34. Oliver Goldsmith. 35. John and Charles Wesley. 36. Mary Wollstonecraft. 37. Jeremy Bentham. 38. Later Georgian lyrics. 39. Robert Burns. 40. Lady Nairne (Carolina Oliphant). 41. George Crabbe. 42. William Blake. Vol. XXIV and Vol. XXV. The Romantic Revival in England: 1. The Romantic Revival/John W. Cunliffe and G.R. Lomer. 2. William Wordsworth. 3. Samuel Taylor Coleridge. 4. Robert Southey. 5. Maria Edgeworth. 6. Sir Walter Scott. 7. Jane Austen. 8. Charles Lamb. 9. George Canning. 10. Sydney Smith. 11. Walter Savage Landor. 12. Thomas Campbell. 13. William Hazlitt. 14. Thomas Moore. 15. Leigh Hunt. 16. Lord Byron. 17. John Wilson. 18. Thomas De Quincey. 19. Percy Bysshe Shelley. 20. John Keats. 21. Minor poets of the romantic revival. 22. Thomas Babington Macaulay. 23. Thomas Carlyle. 24. John Ruskin. 25. John Stuart Mill. 26. George Borrow. Vol. XXVI and Vol. XXVII. The Great Victorians: 1. The Victorian era/John W. Cunliffe and G.R. Lomer. 2. John Henry Cardinal Newman. 3. Lord Beaconsfield. 4. Edward Bulwer-Lytton. 5. William Makepeace Thackeray. 6. Charles Dickens. 7. Anthony Trollope. 8. Charles Reade. 9. Charles Kingsley. 10. Charlotte Bronte and Emily Bronte. 11. Elizabeth Stevenson Gaskell. 12. Alfred Tennyson. 13. Robert Browning. 14. Elizabeth Barrett Browning. 15. Matthew Arnold. 16. Arthur Hugh Clough. 17. Dante Gabriel Rossetti. 18. Other mid-Victorian poets. 19. Charles Robert Darwin. 20. John Tyndall. 21. Thomas Henry Huxley. 22. Francis Galton. 23. Henry Thomas Buckle. 24. Sir Henry Maine. 25. Walter Bagehot. 26. James Anthony Froude. 27. Edward Augustus Freeman. 28. George Eliot. 29. Sir Richard F. Burton. 30. Charles Montagu Doughty. 31. Herbert Spencer. Vol. XXVIII and Vol. XXIX. Writers of Modern England: 1. The revolt from Victorianism/John W. Cunliffe. 2. George Meredith. 3. Thomas Hardy. 4. Algernon Charles Swinburne. 5. William Morris. 6. Lewis Carroll (Charles Lutwidge Dodgson). 7. Samuel Butler. 8. John Richard Green. 9. William Edward Hartpole Lecky. 10. James Bryce. 11. Leslie Stephen. 12. John Morley. 13. Walter Pater. 14. John Addington Symonds. 15. Edward Carpenter. 16. Richard Jefferies. 17. Arthur James Balfour. 18. Robert Louis Stevenson. 19. George Robert Gissing. 20. Rudyard Kipling. 21. James Matthew Barrie. 22. Joseph Conrad. 23. British fiction in the twentieth century/H.W. Boynton. 24. George Moore. 25. William Frend De Morgan. 26. Herbert George Wells. 27. Arnold Bennett. 28. John Galsworthy. 29. Twentieth-century drama in England/Frank W. Chandler. 30. George Bernard Shaw. 31. British poetry in the twentieth century/John Erskine. 32. William Ernest Henley. 33. John Davidson. 34. Francis Thompson. 35. Alice Meynell. 36. Robert Bridges. 37. William Watson. 38. Alfred Edward Housman. 39. Sir Henry Newbolt. 40. Alfred Noyes. 41. John Masefield. 42. Hilaire Belloc. 43. Wilfrid Wilson Gibson. 44. Rupert Brooke. 45. Charles Hamilton Sorley. 46. Ralph Hodgson. 47. British essayists in the twentieth century/John W. Cunliffe. 48. Edmund Gosse. 49. Gilbert Keith Chesterton. 50. Dean Inge. 51. Aldous Huxley. 52. Lytton Strachey. 53. Bertrand Russell. Vol. XXX. Early Days in America: 1. The First American poets–the Indians/Constance Lindsay Skinner. 2. American literature in the colonial period/R.L. Rusk. 3. Jonathan Edwards. 4. Benjamin Franklin. 5. Hector Saint John De Crevecceur. 6. George Washington. 7. Patrick Henry. 8. John Woolman. 9. John Adams. 10. Thomas Paine. 11. Thomas Jefferson. 12. James Madison. 13. Joel Barlow. 14. Alexander Hamilton. 15. Alexander Wilson. 16. John Quincy Adams. 17. Charles Brockden Brown. 18. Henry Clay. 19. William Ellery Channing. 20. John James Audubon. 21. John Caldwell Calhoun. 22. Daniel Webster. 23. The early New Yorkers. 24. Washington Irving. 25. James Fenimore Cooper. 26. Fitz-Greene Halleck. 27. William Cullen Bryant. 28. Edward Everett. 29. Joseph Rodman Drake. 30. William Hickling Prescott. 31. Charles Sumner. 32. Wendell Phillips. 33. Horage Bushnell. Vol. XXXI and Vol. XXXII. The American Tradition in Letters: 1. The New England Group/George Sherburn. 2. George Bancroft. 3. Ralph Waldo Emerson. 4. Nathaniel Hawthorne. 5. Nathaniel Parker Willis. 6. Henry Wadsworth Longfellow. 7. John Greenleaf Whittier. 8. Oliver Wendell Holmes. 9. Sarah Margaret Fuller (Marchioness Ossoli). 10. Theodore Parker. 11. Harriet Beecher Stowe. 12. John Lothrop Motley. 13. Richard Henry Dana, Junior. 14. Henry D. Thoreau. 15. James Russell Lowell. 16. Edward Everett Hale. 17. Francis Parkman. 18. Louisa May Alcott. 19. Charles Farrar Browne (Artemus Ward). 20. The New York Group. 21. Walt Whitman. 22. Josiah Gilbert Holland. 23. Herman Melville. 24. George William Curtis. 25. Fitz-James O’Brien. 26. Charles Dudley Warner. 27. Edwin Lawrence Godkin. 28. Edmund Clarence Stedman. 29. The South and West. 30. William Gilmore Simms. 31. Edgar Allan Poe. 32. Abraham Lincoln. 33. Ulysses S. Grant. 34. Henry Timrod. 35. Paul Hamilton Hayne. 36. Robert Green Ingersoll. Vol. XXXIII and Vol. XXXIV. Writers of Modern America: 1. Francis Richard Stockton. 2. John Muir. 3. Samuel Langhorne Clemens (Mark Twain). 4. Thomas Bailey Aldrich. 5. Celia Thaxter. 6. Edward Eggleston. 7. John Burroughs. 8. William Dean Howells. 9. John Hay. 10. Henry Adams. 11. Henry George. 12. Bret Harte. 13. Edward Rowland Sill. 14. Joaquin Miller. 15. Sidney Lanier. 16. William James. 17. Henry James. 18. George W. Cable. 19. Joel Chandler Harris. 20. Sarah Orne Jewett. 21. James Whitcomb Riley. 22. Lafcadio Hearn. 23. James Lane Allen. 24. Brander Matthews. 25. Henry Cuyler Bunner. 26. George Edward Woodberry. 27. Woodrow Wilson. 28. Theodore Roosevelt. 29. Owen Wister. 30. William Sydney Porter (O. Henry). 31. Mary Wilkins Freeman. 32. Edith Wharton. 33. Finley Peter Dunne. 34. Jack London. 35. Frank Norris. 36. Booth Tarkington. 37. Richard Watson Gilder. 38. Eugene Field. 39. American poetry since 1900/Allan Abbott. 40. Modern fiction/Blanche Colton Williams. 41. Modern American Drama/Frank W. Chandler. 42. Recent American historical writing/David Saville Muzzey. 43. The new art of biography/Raymond Weaver.
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The Columbia University Course in Literature: Based on the World’s Best Literature (In 34 Volumes)
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