The Cheithron Kumpapa is the court chronicle of the kings of Manipur, a small formerly independent state situated on the Indian Border with Myanmar. The Cheitharon Kumpapa is a court account of the state, which claims to record events from the founding of the ruling dynasty in 33 CE. This dynasty continued until the abolition of the monarchy after the merger of the state with India in 1949. The document is thus probably the oldest chronicle in the region. Written on handmade Meetei (Manipuri) paper made from tree bark in locally made ink with a quill or a bamboo pen. All in all it comprises more than 1,000 leaves. This volume contains a copy of the original text of the Cheitharon Kumpapa, authorized by the palace, and English translation from the original composed in archaic Manipuri script (Meetei Mayek). Explanatory notes and a glossary complement this interesting source of information. Scholars working on East and South Asia will find this volume enlightening, and the text will be useful for those readers engaged in social anthropology, religious history, archaeology, human geography and linguistics.
Commerce in Orissa: 1600-1800
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