The Present volume tells the story of the attempts made by India down the ages to grapple with the fundamental problems of life and thought. Philosophy in India began with a quest after the highest truth-truth not as mere objective certitude, but as being closely linked with the development of personally and leading to the attainment of the highest freedom, bliss, and wisdom. It demanded, therefore, not only a philosophical discipline of reasoning, but also a discipline of conduct and the control of emotions and passions. Thus the synthesis between deep philosophical analysis and lofty spiritual discipline is an abiding feature of Indian philosophy, and in this its outlook is entirely different from that of western philosophy. It is hoped that this volume will serve not only to make plain the spiritual aspirations of an ancient nation, but also to show the relevance of those aspirations to the modern world and thus forge a powerful link in the chain of human fellowship and universal concord. The Third volume, with an Introduction by Dr Surendranath Dasgupta and contributions from thirty-five scholars, presents India philosophy in its different aspects. Again a thread of unity is discernible among them.
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