The Economy of India: Global Challenge for the Century

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The Indian economy is a picture of contrasts: on one side, there is mass poverty and, on the other, the development of centres of excellence in the services industry.  These two realities coexist of excellence in the services industry.  These two realities coexist within the same economy, an economy of continental proportions now in a process of complete transformation.  Measured in purchasing power parity, India clearly ranks fourth worldwide as regards its GDP, or firth if the European Union is considered as a single entity.  Its population crossed the one billion mark in 2000 and is likely to exceed China’s population between 2025 and 2030.  Will the acceleration of its growth to more than 6-8 per cent per year and a more offensive stance on globalization translate into the emergence of a new economic superpower alongside China? This book attempt to answer this question by analyzing the internal and external challenges faced by the world’s largest democracy.

ABOUT THE AUTHOR Jean-Joseph Boillot

Jean-Joseph Boillot is Professor of Social Sciences, and holds a Ph.D. in Development Economics. His dissertation was on India's economic development since Independence. From 1990, he has been Economic Advisor with the French Ministry of Finance on the main challenging regions of the world: Eastern Europe, Russia and CIS, East Asia and again Eastern Europe for the last EU enlargement negotiations. In 2003, he joined the French Treasury as Financial Advisor for India and South Asia, based in articles on various fields of economics, particularly International and Development Economics, and on India and China. He is member of the Editorial Committee of the Monthly Alternatives Economics, the Euro India Center and Confrontation Europe. He is married and has two daughters.


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The Economy of India: Global Challenge for the Century
1st ed.
153p., Maps; Tables; Bibliography; Index; 23cm.