The Emergence of Islam is an attempt to present, in clear and simple English, the contents of a series of twelve lectures delivered by the late Dr Muhammad Hamidullah in March 1980 at Islamic University, Bahawalpur. The present work represents the result of a life-long study of, and reflection on, Islam, especially on its early period, by one of the most erudite Muslim scholars of our time. It highlights the dominant thrust of Islamic teachings and outlines the formative period of Islam’s intellectual and institutional history. Drawing upon his vast reservoir of knowledge, the learned author attempts to portray the genesis and growth of Islamic thought, society and state, and delineates the development of the institutions designed to give practical shape to the Islamic worldview. It was decided, therefore, with the kind permission of the author, that the English version would not be simply a literal English rendering of the Urdu work. Hence, in preparing the text of The Emergence of Islam, a measure of discretion was exercised; or to put it differently, a degree of liberty was taken with the Urdu text. Hence the draft was tightened up at several places. On occasions some of the details were omitted. Some of the questions and answers were also omitted, or abbreviated, and on one occasion or more, the answers given by the author were integrated into the main body of the lectures. Thanks to all this, the volume of the book has been reduced and hopefully its readability enhanced. As one who remained closely in touch and actively collaborated with the late Dr Afzal Iqbal during the course of this demanding work, I am a first-hand witness to the painstaking and competent effort that he made to produce this engaging book. Indubitably Dr Afzal Iqbal’s success in producing a very readable English version of the work should be applauded most whole-heartedly.
The Emergence of Islam
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The Emergence of Islam
1st ed.
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