The End of Human History is a collection of Urdu short stories which deal with conflicts generated by regional and religious chauvinism or even one’s own unarticulated dark psychological promptings.Hasan Manzar’s ranging and intimate knowledge of national life in its diversity of locale and language, makes him a Pakistani writer in the truest sense. ‘My stories are inspired by individuals… ordinary men and women affected by some sorrow, happiness, or longing. When I encounter them, they, as well as the environment in which their reality is embedded, become a part of my thinking.’ Meaning, in Manzar’s writings, must emerge wearing its own palpable form-gritty, textured, alive to the touch, exposed to the eye.Oppressor or oppressed, all Manzar’s characters are real, true-to-life sketches depicted with so much compassion and understanding that they never fail to impress. A collection worth picking up.
Thoughts and Proverbs
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