The Golden Rules of Astrology

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It is well known dictum in astrology that 4th lord in an angle showers the person with a long life, a luxurious life with immovable property, all around success etc. These types of 500 golden rules have been presented in chapter – 1 The role of planets in shaping or maring destiny patterns of human beings have been described in 15th chapters. This book provides excellent information about brilliant career, accumulation of huge wealth, business caliber, poverty yogas, lunatism, sun-satrun relationships, mute yoga, influence of guru chandala yoga etc.Yogas for a wonderful manager who can change the face of the country have been described. It should be borne in mind that astrology offers an insight into the meaning and purpose of life and its predictable/unpredictable pattern of events in life which moulds one’s destiny patterns through an invisible force called Law of Karma. This book will surly help hard working astrologers with a gift of synthesis to become brilliant predictors.


Dr. S.S Chatterjee, now 70, is a noted authority on Vedic astrology & a prolific writer in predictive astrology. This is his 10th book. Ist book is “Cosmic Influences on mind & IQ” appeared in the market in 1992, “Advanced Predictive Astrology Vol 1-2” were published in 1999-2000, “Fortune and Finance”(2002), “Astrology Applied”(2004), “Astrology Nectar” (2005), “House 8th & 3rd in Advance Astrology” (2008), “Advance Medical Astrology”(2007), “Jyotish X-ray” (2011), are the beautiful creation of the learned author. His books and as well as write ups are not only authentic but also give thought provoking clues to the judgement of horoscopes. The author does not write anything without verification of golden rules in real life.


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The Golden Rules of Astrology
1st. ed.
408p., 8.5 inch X 5.5 inch