The Great Indian Scientist

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A number of reference works have been published in recent years that include, but are not restricted to, biographical information about Indian scientists. Indian scientists have played a stellar role in the development of India. In the short span of its post-independence history India has achieved several great scientific achievements. Indian scientists have proven their mettle in the face of international sanctions and have made India one of the scientific powerhouses of the world. Here is a brief profile of famous Indian scientists. Scientists in India are divided into ancient and modern scientists. Some of the names that are included among ancient are Aryabhata, Chanakya, Charaka, Jayadeva, etc. the modern scientist includes C.V. Raman, C.R. Rao, Birbal Sahni etc. the ancient scientists existed since human civilization was not fully into existence and India had not made any progress in technology. The modern scientists as named above exist from the pre-independence or post-independence period. Indian scientists have contributed to the world in various areas such as astronomy, anthropology, physics, biology, Space research, ethnology, etc.


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The Great Indian Scientist
1st. ed.
304p., 22cm.