A book on the Gurkhas their manners, customs and country was done by Northey and Morris in 1928. Subsequently in 1944 major Gibbs wrote on the gurkhas soldier giving the account of religious customs, social habits and festivals. Later on some more books were written. Aim of this book is not only to provide to our readers relevant sections of the above works but also literature on latest knowledge on manners, customs and the country of the Gurkhas. Therefore, the selection was also made from some of the good material from internet and media services. We take this opportunity to pay our indebtedness and acknowledgements to the authorities on the subject, and all those friends, librarians and their staff members for their kind help and contributions.
The Gurkhas: A Study of Manners, Customs and Country
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The Gurkhas: A Study of Manners, Customs and Country
1st ed.
Sumit Enterprises, 2011
207p., 23cm.
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