The Heart of Asia

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ABOUT THE AUTHOR Nicholas Roerich

Nicholas Roerich looms large as an artist of rare and nonpareil abilities. In his paintings, the rich varied and first hand knowledge and experience, gained by his versatile spirit ascend to its Olympian heights. The luster of spiritual sight, the transmission of an ageless spirit into his art, and the live expression of the radiant spirit, are the distinquishing traits of Roerich’s art which is “Jealous of its independence, because it is great” as Rabindranath Tagore so beautifully summed up. Roerich has been acclaimed as the founder of a new unique school of art, which has been named “Cosmic Synthesis “ or “Synthesis of Wisdom”. But not only a painter – beginning his literary career at fifteen Roerich has been at it all these years, and today he is hailed as one of the most thoughtful of the world’s writers. In “Shambhala”, another inspiring book one sees the great synthesis of Nicholas Roerich’s pen which in its scope and expression is second to none. The book gives a new knowledge and correct appreciation of the peoples of the East. “Shambhala” is an invaluable contribution to the distracted world of today and counsels it to strive for the solidarity of men through beauty and benevolence. Prof. Roerich desires for the spiritual union of the East and the West and confidently asserts that the two will be united in understanding. No other writer of the present day has written so much about culture, as Roerich whose message in literature is “Peace and wisdom through beauty and culture”. Every work of his is a mighty stride in awakening the minds of men to the need for the glory of culture. Roerich must be counted as one of the Prophets not only in art, but in literature as well. His supreme creative ardour an piercing vision, render his writings prove to the depths of very department of knowledge to which his mind has been applied. Every word of his is radiant with the luster of a spiritual light and there is the indefinable touch of the divine in all his writings. His messages through the winged word, broadcasted in the farthest corners of the Earth have exercised tremendous influence in promoting knowledge and beauty and in creatiang among the nations the bond of peace, beauty and in creating among the nations the bond of peace, beauty and culture.


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The Heart of Asia
104p., Colour; Illustrations; 23cm.