The Iconography of the Brhadisvara Temple

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The programme Ksetra Sampada or regional heritage of the Indira Gandhi National Centre for the Arts (IGNCA) envisages studies of specific cultural areas taking into account the process of interlocking devotional, artistic, geographical and social aspects. One area identified for such an integrated study was Tanjavur in South India. In collaboration with Ecole FrancaiseD'Extreme – Orient (EFEO), Pondicherry, IGNCA launched a comprehensive project to investigate the multi-layered and multi dimensional personality of the Brhadisvara temple at Tanjavur. This in-depth study of the identified area and monument resulted in the publication of Tanjavur Brhadisvara: An Architectural Study, by Pierre Pichard, in 1995.One of the inter-related modules of the project coordinated by Dr. R. Nagaswamy, includes iconographical study of sculptures, stone reliefs, bronze images and mural paintings. Accordingly, Dr. Francoise L'Hernault of EFEO undertook the task of photodocumentation of the icons of the Brhadisvara temple. She completed the assignment in 1994, and based on nearly 600 photographs of the icons, she prepared this monograph as a catalogue for the identification of the iconographical forms on the Brhadisvara temple.This monograph is the second in the series of studies of Brhadisvara undertaken by the IGNCA. It sheds illuminating light on the iconographical forms of the two capital sites of the Cholas, viz., Tanjavur and Gangaikondacholapuram.

ABOUT THE AUTHOR Francoise L'Hernault

Dr. Francoise L'Hernault (1937-99) studied Indian languages in France at the Ecole nationale des langues Orientales Vivantes, as well as the history of art and archaeology at the Institut d'Art et d' Archeologie de Universite de Paris.


Dr. Lalit M. Gujral: M.A. (Delhi), Ph.D. (London), historian-editor, has been involved in the revision and rewriting of the Imperial Gazetteers of India. He has had long association with UNESCO and has served as Education and Cultural Counsellor in the consulate General of India, New York. Dr. Gujral is the author of many research papers. Presently, he has been serving as Editor of one of the important publication programmes of the IGNCA. He has been responsible for the re-publication of the volumes of the Collected Works of Dr. Ananda K. Coomaraswamy, as also a very large number of volumes of critical scholarship on different facets of the Indian artistic traditions.


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The Iconography of the Brhadisvara Temple
1st ed.
viii+34p., Tables; Plates; References; 31cm.