Man seems to have harnessed the infinite resources of this planet so efficiently; he believes that he has made remarkable progress in scientific, technological and social environment. There is little that is not available to him for engaging is conditioned, desired interests and enhancing bodily comforts. However, blessed with such enrichments, and in pursuit of contentment, satisfaction and happiness, experience shows that man has found none of these, but rather their opposite. He appears to be lost in a web of illusion and ignorance. This web is not impenetrable. In his book, Self-Enquiry 'The Illusions of Life', Dr. Vijai S Shankar, a man who has perceived his True Identity to be a state beyond body and mind, indeed beyond man himself, gives deep insights into the nature of each illusion. Freedom is to be found not in any dismissal of the illusion, but in its understanding. The reader will come to discover that the mind, preconditioned by its beliefs and limited to the world of relativity and fiction, cannot comprehend the depth of meaning in this book, for its takes its stand in the Absolute nature. This book is for those men and women who are earnestly searching for full realization of their True Identity. Let them read it, above all, with patience, so that the words may be first a window, then an open door to freedom. Such is the substance and heart of this book: it is a wonder; it will touch the lives of all those into whose hands it happens to fall.
The Illusions Of Life -Self Inquiry
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An introduction always necessitates the name, qualifications, and achievements of that person being given, in the case of an author, titles of books published. These are the sine qua non for acceptability. They are the stuff upon which the ego is built and strengthened. His words and writings reveal life that is 'here' and 'now', the life that is enlightened and, above all, is already your own. Life expresses itself through every manifestation in the world, be it animate or inanimate, allowing to each its own illusory identity, which is a reflection of its intelligence. Thus thinking happens to man–his basic attribute; perception happens through senses–as thoughts; and a singular movement, which is a process of transformation of energy, as actions in the form of thoughts. The conviction 'I think', 'I speak', 'I do' escapes no man–albeit illusory and never real. The understanding that life is a reflection of light and sound and not physical in time and space is enlightenment. Books from this author-Kaivalya Gita Vol I, Kaivalya Gita Vol II, The Illusions Of Life-Self Inquiry
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The Illusions Of Life -Self Inquiry
1st ed.
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