Historians and other social scientist are beginning to undertake large-scale research in these momentous years from 1919 to 1947. A major and handy source for the study of this period is the Indian Annual Register which appeared twice a year from 1919 to 1947. The Annual Register gathers in one place the proceedings of the annual sessions of the National Congress and other political parties. Provincial political conference, organizations of students, workers, peasants, capitalists, princes, landlords, women, depressed classes, states’ peoples, socialists and communists, Central and provincial legislatures and various professional conferences. It also covers the proceedings and resolutions of the sessions of the All India Congress Committee (AICC) and Congress Working Committee (CWC) and the discussion on India in the two houses of British Parliament. The results of the elections of provincial and Central legislatures from 1922 to 1946 are given in detail. The Register gives coverage to the activities of the revolutionary terrorists, social and religious reform movements. The Register records at length the growth of communalism, the spread of communal riots, the proceedings of organizations such as the Muslim League and Hindu Mahasabha, and the efforts made to solve the communal problem and diffuse communal tensions. The Register deals at length with the Government of India’s personnel policies, policy pronouncements, and constitutional reforms. A Special feature of the Register is the reproduction in full or In summary form the reports of the host of committees appointed by the Government. Major activities of the nationalists abroad, Indian issues at international organizations and the position of Indians in South Africa, East Africa, Fiji and other parts of the British Empire are also given in detail. One of the most useful parts of the Annual Register is the very large section giving chronicle of events and details of major political and other happenings during the six-monthly period concerned. No researcher in the history of the period can afford to do without the basic source represented by the Annual Register. Unfortunately, it has not been available in most libraries because of its being out of print for the last many years. It is now being made available. It is going to be in particular useful to students, in history, political science and sociology departments to work on their seminar papers and M.Phil. Dissertations and for carrying on preliminary research on their Ph.D. theses. No college or university or any other major library can afford to be without the full set of the Indian Annual Register.
Historical Background of Music
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