This collection of essays grew out of dissatisfaction with the tone and tenor of public discourse on the women’s problematic in India, in particular by the feminists leading the women’s movement. While this long drawn out debate has been critical of society and the state in general and entrenched culture of patriarchy in particular, it has not directly addressed the basic question: how have some sections of the women’s movement itself collaborated with the state apparatus, and has been responsible for introducing ‘welfare’, ‘development’, ’empowerment’, and ‘participation’ programmes for the Indian women that have, instead of genuinely promoting gender balancing, tended to reinforce patriarchy and reproduce the unequal gender and class relations. It consists of a total of 21 very carefully selected papers. It is organized into five parts. Part one examines the relationship between the women’s problematic and the Indian State. The second part deals with the diagnoses of the women’s problematic and nature of commitment made by the Indian State and its translation into reality in terms of formulation of policies and programmes, designing of structures and processes indicating the presence or absence of a good fit between intentions and their actualization by the Indian ruling class. Part three analyses the impact of initiatives undertaken by the government in different sectors. Part four focuses on the impact of efforts of the autonomous organizations and communities. Given the mixed performance of both the state and women-initiated initiatives, part five addresses the future course of action on women’s empowerment. This very original and authentic account of the conduct of the state will certainly interest all those involved with women’s issues and particularly in more effective ways of empowering the Indian women.
The Indian State and the Women’s Problematic: Running with the Hare and Hunting with the Hounds
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Harnam Singh Verma (b. 1942) is a senior sociologist who has worked in such prestigious institutions as the NIRD, Hyderabad (1965-1971), CIDCO Ltd., Mumbai (1971-1974), IIM, Ahmedabad (1975-1977), GIDs, Lucknow (1977-1982) and State Plg Com, U.P. (1982-1993). He has also taught full courses at the TISS, Mumbai as a visiting faculty (1971-72, 1972-73). He was the Member-Secretary-Coordinator of the Expert Committee on Creamy Layer and a Member of the Committee for Fixation of the Percentage of Reservations for the OBCs, both appointed by the Government of Uttar Pradesh in 1993. he was a Member, State Commission for the Backward Classes, Uttar Pradesh and a Member of the Working Group on Empowerment of the OBCs of the Tenth Five Year Plan. He has authored/co-authored/edited /co-edited nine books, written two dozen monographs, contributed thirty pieces to books edited by others and published 44 research papers in prestigious national and international journals. Social Change in Rural Areas, Industrial Families in India: An enquiry in to nature of their entrepreneurship, Bombay, New Bombay and Metropolitan Region: Growth process and Planning lessons, The OBCs and the ruling classes in India, and The OBCs and the dynamics of social exclusion in India are some of his books that are rated as classics. He has been working on the OBCs for the last 14 years.
Nadeem Hasnain is a professor of social anthropology at University of Lucknow, ucknow (India). He did his Master's and Ph.D. from the same department founded by D.N. Majumdar, one of the doyens of anthropology in India. Currently he is one of the editors of The Eastern Anthropologist and also the founder-editor of a newly launched journal, Islam and Muslim Societies: A Social Science Journal. He is also heading a multi-disciplinary research organization Centre for Social Action and Development devoted to research and advocacy of the disadvantaged sections of Indian society and based at Lucknow. He has published a number of books and papers in reputed journals. His popular books include Tribal India, Indian Anthropology, Indian Society and Culture: Continuity and Change and OBC Communities in the Process of change in India some of which have been translated into several Indian languages. Two of his field based studies Bonded For Ever and Shias and Shia Islam in India: A Study in Society and culture have been widely acclaimed as seminal contributions. An academician-activist, he is also involved with the mass media and writes in popular magazines and newspapers in English, Hindi and Urdu.
R.B.S. Verma, Professor and Head Department of Social Work at the University Lucknow, is a very senior teacher, researcher and educational administrator. He is recipient of Indira Gandhi NSS Award from the Government of India. Supervisory Management, Child Labour in India (English), Bharat Mein Karmik Prabhandh Evam Audyogig Sambandh, Audyogig Adhikshan and Samaj Karya Ke Kshetra (Hindi) are the five books earlier published by him. His areas of interest include human resource management, social welfare administration, social change and social research.
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The Indian State and the Women’s Problematic: Running with the Hare and Hunting with the Hounds
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Bibliographic information
The Indian State and the Women’s Problematic: Running with the Hare and Hunting with the Hounds
1st ed.
Serials Publications, 2007
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