The Little Hero: One Boy’s Fight for Freedom: Iqbal Masih’s Story

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Iqbal was sold by his parents to a carpet factory owner at the age of four. It was six long years before he succeeded in escaping the clutches of his tyrannical master. A young boy alone in the world, surviving off foraged scraps, he stumbled across Bonded Labour Liberation Front rally. The organisation took him in, and he began tirelessly working to spread the word to other enslaved children that they too could be free. Iqbal participated in raids on illegal factories and addressed international conventions. He was awarded the Rhebok ‘Youth in Action’ award and a scholarship to study law in Boston. But before he could start to enjoy the results of his hard work, his life was cut short by a hail of bullets from the gun of an unknown sympathiser with the carpet masters. Told by the best-selling ghostwriter of the The Little Prisoner and Sold, this is an inspiring tale of what one boy can achieve and gripping call to action to end child slavery.


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The Little Hero: One Boy’s Fight for Freedom: Iqbal Masih’s Story
1st ed.