The Lore of the Mandarins: Towards a Non-Partisan Public Service in Bangladesh

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This book provides a performance audit of the structure and functions of the Public Service Commissions as well as the quality of civil service management in Bangladesh. Covering a period of nearly thirty years, strengthened further by a reference to the historical and intellectual antecedents that led to the birth of PSCs in the Indian sub-continent, it draws on the recent experiences of other developed countries emerging from British colonial tradition. In the process of reviewing the statutory roles of PSCs, it brings out the strengths and weaknesses in the recruitment system and related matters, examines the reform measures already undertaken and at the same time indicates areas of further reform. The working of the PSC has never formed part of a public debate in Bangladesh. The complexity of the issues raised, it is hoped, will start the debate among practitioners, academics, the political leaders and the civil society.The study is remarkable in its comprehensiveness and depth. Its most impressive aspect is the compelling, incisiveness and forthright observations on important and substantive issues. The author has displayed a great deal of critical insight in assessing how the civil service is managed and the discharge of PSC’s duties in relation to its constitutionally mandated recruitment and related functions.


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The Lore of the Mandarins: Towards a Non-Partisan Public Service in Bangladesh
1st Ed.
xx+310p., Tables

