The Making of Modern Indian Art: The Progressives

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Around the time of independence, emerged a group of artists who were to lead the way for Indian art in the decades to come. This group, comprising artists such as M.F. Husain, S.H. Raza, F.N. Souza, and K.H. Ara have given Indian art a new direction, infusing it with their distinctive styles and initiating the modernist movement in India. This pioneering book is an authentic portrayal of the formative years of modern Indian art, when its parameters were being established. Between its hesitant beginnings in British established art schools, and the inspired individualism of many present day artists, lies the story of the progressive artists group. These young painters, who rebelled both against the Bengal school, as well as the ‘naturalism’ introduced by the art schools, met frequently, holding night-long discussions, in their struggle to survive in the dramatic development of contemporary Indian art. The reader learns about their successes, and discovers the other players involved: war ?migr?s like Walter Langhammer, Rudi von Leyden (whose art writings are also included), and Emmanuel Schlesinger, who act as catalysts in the growth of these artists. The group’s association with younger artists such as Krishen Khanna, Ram Kumar, Tyeb Mehta, and Akbar Padamsee also contributes to their evolution. Carefully researched and richly illustrated, this magnificent book by Yashodhara Dalmia presents a detailed account of the emergence of what is today known as modern Indian art. It is the story of how both art and internationalism acquire significance in India; in the process we begin to understand the essentials of contemporary Indian art. Beautifully produced, with 180 colour plates and numerous black-and-white photographs, The Making of Modern Indian Art is a collector’s item.

ABOUT THE AUTHOR Yashodhara Dalmia

Yashodhara Dalmia has written extensively on Indian art and culture. She is the author of the book The painted World of the Warlis, and has curated ‘The Modoerns’, a show on the Progressive Artists Group which inaugurated the National Gallery of Modern Art in Mumbai, in December 1996. At present she is working on project on ‘Alternative Modernity’.


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The Making of Modern Indian Art: The Progressives
1st ed.
xii+339p., Figures; Plates; Notes; Appendices; Bibliography; Index; 29cm.