Of late a revival of interest in Zoology is taking place, and this multi-volume work is an attempt to help the movement by pointing out the various lines of study and explaining in simple language the views of modern specialists. Every effort has been made to treat the subject-matter in such a way as to interest the general reader, while at the same time the needs of students, amateur naturalists, and teachers of Zoology (including Nature Study) have been borne in mind. All the larger popular books on Zoology take the various animal groups seriatim, a time-honoured plan which is in many ways valuable and useful. But this fails to bring out the complex inter-relations that exist between the different groups. A due appreciation of the complexity of the struggle for existence, and a realization of our comparative ignorance reading the lifestyle of animals should open innumerable fascinating lines of scientific study of many amateurs who are at present mere collectors of insects, birds’ eggs, or shells. The unique multi-volume work fully covers every aspect, besides physical features of animal life: Food and feeding, homes and dwellings, courtship and breeding, care of eggs and young, roes and injuries, etc. Utilitarian Zoology and Philosophic Zoology have added a new dimension to this comprehensive study.
The Environmentalism of the Poor
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