The Outlook Guide to the Best Business Schools in India

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The Outlook Guide to the Best Business Schools in India is based on Outlook magazine'sannual survey which has emerged as an essential reference for MBA aspirants over the past two years. Put together by two of the best analysts in the field, Sandipan Deb, managing editor of Outlook, and Premchand Palety, director of the Centre for Forecasting Research (Cfore) in Delhi, the book gives essential information in an easy-to-grasp tabular format on a selection of 100 business schools across the country, arranged regionwise for easy reference. Included in the highlights of each institute are the programmes offered, number of applicants, placement record, faculty strength and average and median salaries of graduates to give a clearer picture of how successful they are in the job market. Besides write-ups on the six IIMs and other top-ranked institutes, what makes this the definitive guide is: Tips on how to get into a good B-school, especially on making it through the crucial group discussion and personal interview stages. Statewise ranking of institutes. Complete list of postgraduate B-schools in India arranged by city. Information on part time, executive and distance mode MBA programmes. List of schools offering the Bachelor's programme in business administration. List of sectoral B-schools. Sample questions. Tips on getting admission into foreign B-schools.

ABOUT THE AUTHOR Premchand Palety

Premchand Palety is the CEO of Centre for Forecasting and Research (Cfore), the research organization that does annual ranking of B-schools for Outlook. He has been involved in the rating and ranking of B-schools for the last three years and has also designed and developed a site,, which provides information on them.


Sandipan Deb is Managing Editor, Outlook magazine and editor of Outlook Money. He is an alumni of IIM, Calcutta.


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The Outlook Guide to the Best Business Schools in India
1st ed.