The Pamirs is a faithful first-hand daily record of an year’s expedition on horseback and foot through Kashmir, Ladakh, Western Tibet, Chinese Tartary, and the Pamirs undertaken by the author and his friend Major Roche and the author’s subsequent journey alone through Russian Central Asia to the Caspian Sea in 1892-93. Extremely interesting and very informative, the narrative makes you feel as if you have yourselves lived the events of the day during that arduous expedition and have been a part of the travel. The book throws valuable light on the historical, political, and socioeconomic conditions in this troubled region of the world. First published in 1893, in two illustrated volumes, this set has been out-of-print for long and we are, therefore, making it available again in a single volume limited edition for the benefit of all those interested in Central Asian studies.
Aspects of Indian Police
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