In the Ayurvedic classics while describing the treatment of diseases these therapeutics measures are always given precedence over the drugs. Unfortunately, in the advent of latro chemistry and because of the viccissitudes of time resulting in the decline in original thinking of the Ayurvedic practitioner's people resorted to easy means of treatment. They found taking a few pills or potion of powder more convenient than going in for these elaborate therapeutic measures. This attitude was further strengthened when experts to administer these therapies were themselves losing faith regarding their competence. Administration of these therapeutic measures does involve certain amount or risk. The physicians were then losing the state patronage. They were not sure if the state will come to their rescue in case a patient becomes serious by the administration of this therapy even though it has given with all sincerity, professional care and seriousness. They changed their attitude and put more confidence on the tablets and powders which were harmless. These tablets and powders were no doubt effective but the therapeutic measures prescribed in Ayurvedic classics were enhancing the properties of these drugs. This help was not forth coming by the administration of drugs alone. Because of the negligence of these therapeutic measures act cases became out of the grip of the Ayurvedic physicians. This brought disrepute to Ayurveda. The common man got feeling that Ayurvedic treatment is meant only for the mild and chronic patients. For acute as well as serious patients Ayurvedic treatment is of no use. The classical form of Ayurvedic treatment has not dis-appeared from this country altogether. In some Southern States like Kerala, Madras and Karnataka, this systems of treatment is still in vogue even though in the modified form. Because of this, the physicians of these state have a great reputation in the society. Unlike professional colleagues in the other parts of India, they tackle serious and acute diseases. Description of Panchakarma like Vamana, Virechana and Basti is scattered in different sections, chapters of Ayurvedic classics. The author who belongs to one of these southern states, namely, Karnataka has done a pains taking laborious work by compiling them together and arranging the topic data wise.
The Pancakarma Treatment of Ayurveda with Kerala Specialities (Keraliya Pancakarma)
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The Pancakarma Treatment of Ayurveda with Kerala Specialities (Keraliya Pancakarma)
viii+xiv+505p., Plates; Figures; Tables; Bibliography; 23cm.
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