For residents of Chennai, 15 August of every year is Landmark Quiz Day. For over a decade now, this fun-filled and keenly contested quiz has enthralled and entertained the quizzing community. The Landmark Quiz is by far India’s biggest and most popular open quiz-the 2003 edition saw a record 850 teams in the fray. Now questions from this epoch-making quiz are available for the first time in a quiz book that captures all the excitement and thrills of the actual event. With a sure-fire mix of information and entertainment, The Penguin-Landmark Quiz Book is designed to appeal to the general reader who is interested in fascinating nuggets of information, and is willing to test his or her general knowledge skills against the best in the country. The book contains engrossing sections such as Ask Jeeves, Arty Facts, Country Wise, Double Jeopardy, Filmi Fare, In Quotes, Loony Toons, Masala Mix, Page Three and What’s the Good Word, which quiz buffs will be raring to have ago at. And along the way, there is a treasure house of little-known information, such as: It was Linus from Peanuts who inspired the phrase ‘security blanket’. Al Capone was finally convicted, of all things, for tax evasion. Bhima reputedly concocted the delicious avial to avoid wasting vegetables left over from Yudhisthira’s coronation feast. The Bible ranks among the books most censored by the Vatican. With over 1,000 top-drawer questions that have tested the mettle of the very best in the business, The Penguin-Landmark Quiz Book is sure to provide hours of fun-filled quizzing for young and old alike.
Kabaddi and Physical Fitness
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