Born in a small town, the protagonist grows up amidst the changing faces of ugliness, poverty and corruption at the grassroots of independent India. After a stint with unemployment he struggles between odd jobs before being drawn, by fate and circumstance, to the career of a detective agent. On an assignment in Calcutta he meets his Guru who guides him on the right path. Following the divination he plunges headlong into politics and emerges stronger than he has anticipated. With the chief justice and the Chancellor of the Exchequer as allies he unleashes a series of reforms to restore dignity to the common man. But the power brokers in Delhi, on the lookout for mistakes he might make, have him cornered on his first false move, and force him to flee the country. He seeks asylum in Britain where, after years of reclusive living, he re-emerges in politics—British politics. There is criticism back home but he no longer cares. He knows what he must achieve. The story is set in 1998 and travels across the Indian subcontinent. The book is a reminder of the uncanny hostilities of inter-human rivalry and the proximity of eminence with discredit. It reflects on the psyche of rulers in third world nations and the reasons for the suffering of their peoples.
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