The Quranitc Directives for Ideal Society by Dr. Towqueer Alam Falahi is a scholarly contribution exploring the magnificence of the Quran as a revelation of the Almighty and serving the purpose of bringing mankind on His approved way of life. Dr. Falahi very emphatically says that the real significance of the Quran lies in the fact that it may be recognized as a manifesto not for a particular sect of belief but for all mankind till the day of Resurrection. Keeping in view the well-rounded betterment of human society as a whole, the book gives a detailed account of the different components related to the amelioration of individual and social life. The Quran being a complete revelation of the Almighty and a source of guidance to mankind embodies comprehensive directives for not only any particular society but for all mankind. It can ensure man’s success in every walk of life. The book deals with the conceptual excellence of major issues of this temporal life, along with highlighting the significance of reciprocal rights and obligations, ensuring the establishment of a healthy society. on the other hand certain recognized principles for an ideal society, besides the Quranic injunctions regarding the prevalence of virtues and removal of evils, have been justifiably elaborated by the author. The book fully represents the view that the life of an individual and socity can be upgraded, provided the Quranic teachings in real spirit, without having partial and prejudiced approach, are consulted.
The Quranic Directives for Ideal Society
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The Quranic Directives for Ideal Society
1st ed.
241p., Notes; References; Index; 23cm.
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