The religious history of India begin’s with the Aryan’s who settled at the bank of Indus were great Scholars of Sanskrit, they brought Hiduism to the fore but with the time and onslaught by the ruler’s of other lands the religious history of India witnessed the great changes. With the Muslim’s in power it bear the onslaught of Moha medanism and with English, the Christanity, who during their regime tried to convert many of the Hindus to their religious folds but the history was, always dominated by Hinduism and to some extent by Buddhism, the religion brought into fore by Buddha who attained Nirvana. The book narrates the history of religions in India since the inception of the Aryans, later during Muslims rule and under Britishers. In spite of onslaughts of the Mohammedans and Christianity, the Hinduism survived. It also discusses Buddhism.
Merchants, Traders, Entrepreneurs: Indian Business in the Colonial Era
The merchant world ...
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