The SAARC Trade Linkage System: An Econometric Study

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The SAARC countries, from economic point of  view, are intimately linked with each other. No country of this region can escape its role in the trading system of interdependent SAARC nations. The forces working for economic interdependence among them seem irresistible. In 1995 they established South Asian Preferential Trade Area (SAPTA). This has provided the countries of South Asia with an institutional framework for cooperation. In the SAARC summit in 2005, the member countries have decided to form South Asian Free Trade Area (SAFTA) by the year 2006. The idea of economic interdependence within the South Asian region has gained importance after formation of SAFTA, in particular. It is the trade linkage system, through which, one can study and analyse individual SAARC economy focussing the aspect of economic interdependence among member states. The present book is concerned with this.


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The SAARC Trade Linkage System: An Econometric Study
1st ed.
xii+160p., Figures; Tables.