The State of the Earth

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Earth is the terrestrial planet, meaning that it is a rocky body. It is the largest of the four solar terrestrial planets, both in terms of size and mass. Of these four planets, Earth also has the highest density, the highest surface gravity, the strongest magnetic field, and fastest rotation. It also is the only terrestrial planet with active plate tectonics.

Earth’s amazing gaseous atmosphere is responsible for making life possible on this, the third planet from the Sun.  Our atmosphere contains water vapour which helps to moderate our daily temperatures.  Our atmosphere contains 21 per cent oxygen, which is necessary for us to breathe, 78 per cent nitrogen, and 0.9 per cent argon.  The 0.1 per cent consists of water vapour, carbon dioxide, neon, xenon, hydrogen, nitrous oxide, carbon, nitrogen dioxide, sulfur dioxide, and ozone.

It is hoped that the book will be useful to the geoscientists and engineers serving the mineral and mining industries, research, academic and consultancy organizations, regulatory authorities, and the students of mining environmental science and engineering.15


Chandra Mani, a native of Mysore, received his B. Sc. in Environmental Studies from Jadavpur University, Kolkata.  He was awarded Ph. D. in Earth Science by Andhra University where he studied Geology.Dr. Mani became interested in Environmental Science while in college.  He has worked at Gitam University for the last 16 years teaching undergraduate Geology lecture and laboratory courses.Dr. Mani has written articles about specific research projects and laboratory teaching and has been published in many journals.  He has written exclusively on Environment, Global Warming, Environmental Biotechnology, Environmental Degradation.  In addition to his professional career, he volunteers in local schools from preschool through high school, providing extra science experiences for tomorrow’s university students.


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The State of the Earth
1st ed.
v+303p., Illustrations; Maps; Index; 25cm.