The Telugus: The People, Their History, and Culture (In 5 Volumes)

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The Telugu people are a larger, handsomer, and more robust race. The tall forms, drooping (yet broad) shoulders, and regular Circassian features are in strong and favourable contrasts to the general make of all Dravidians. They are of a free and independent spirit, very zealous for caste as far as they do observe it. Traditionally Telugu people are very faithful and submissive to lawful authority. The Telugus, partly Aryan and partly non-Aryan, follow outwardly the Brahmanical teachings, though adhering to many unorthodox rites, are a sober and staid people. They are a very energetic and enterprising race known for their self-reliance. The earliest mention of the Andhras is said to be in Aitereya Brahmana (2000 BC). Regular history of Andhra Desa, according to historians, begins with 236 BC, the year of Ashoka’s death. During the following centuries, Satavahanas, Sakas, Ikshvakus, Eastern Chalukyas, Kakatiyas ruled the Telugu country. Other dynasties which ruled over the area in succes


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The Telugus: The People, Their History, and Culture (In 5 Volumes)
1st ed.